Wednesday, 27 February 2008

Why 306 approaches?

I had been posting on Real Social Dynamics a lot and was being a keyboard jockey and Jack Diesel (I think) posted and said to open 306 girls. That is how many posts I have on there, as of writing this. I cannot post on there until I have done the approaches. I must have more approaches than posts. I am recording the amount on the notes part on my phone. I will see how far I have come by the time I've done all the approaches.

The opener I will be trying to use is 'who are you', instead of 'what's your name'. I have been using 'what's your name' a bit in the past and it is weaker than 'who are you'.

I haven't been doing as well as I could have been doing but I have done a few which is great. I record my interactions in my journal on Word. I'm going to write an article about keeping a journal also because it's a great idea.

I went out on Friday and Saturday last week. The names and places, obvious details will be changed for privacy reasons.

FR: 22/23rd February '08 [nightgame]

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